We are a leading Czech manufacturer of specialty packaging paper. We manufacture and develop greaseproof, barrier, silicone coated and other specialty papers, customized to customer requirements. Our products are targeted primarily at companies that convert paper to packaging intended for contact with food. In this field, we are among the leading suppliers in Europe.
We offer a wide range of related services: printing on greaseproof and silicone coated papers, cutting, slitting and rewinding, and surface treatment. We provide complex customer support, from choosing a suitable paper for your application to its smooth introduction into production.
We are an environmentally and socially responsible company. In all our dealings, we emphasize the sustainable use of natural resources and energy efficiency. Maximum attention is given to the latest findings on food packaging safety and good manufacturing practices.
We build upon a continuous papermaking tradition of Krkonošské papírny that started 190 years ago.
Nádražní 266
Czech Republic